A Comprehensive Guide to Introducing Chatbots to Your Company

A Comprehensive Guide to Introducing Chatbots to Your Company

The evolution of artificial intelligence is now at its peak, and people are expecting new changes every day. One of the boons of artificial intelligence is the presence of chatbots that make customer management easy and painless if you have the right tools. Chatbots are giving fierce competition to human customer service executives by becoming smarter and more widely used than ever before.

According to Garter, by 2020, about 85 percent of customer interactions would be done without the need for humans. If you are also fascinated by this innovation and want to make it work for your company, then read this comprehensive guide to introducing chatbots to your company that tells you what a chatbot is, what it can do for you and who can provide you with one.


According to Oxford dictionaries, “Chatbot is a computer program designed to simulate conversations with human users especially over the internet”. It can also be considered an assistant that communicates with humans via text messages and can integrate with websites, applications or instant messages to help businesses get closer to the customers.


No, we are not going to bore you here. We just want you to know that the first conversational bot was written in 1966 in the US. It was implemented by a computer scientist of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Joseph Weizenbaum. This bot was named Eliza, but it didn’t prove to be an instant hit because it was too authentic with communication and misled the customers.

Why a Business Needs It?

A business needs chatbots due to these reasons.

High Productivity

Chatbots are more productive and efficient than humans.


They can even entertain people when they are getting bored as the conversations are often amusing.


Customers who don’t want to be judged by other humans for picking a product prefer to seek the help of chatbots.


People are always curious about new technologies and prefer companies that offer a chatbot experience.

Personalized Communication

Chatbots resolve specific queries of customers and helps them feel special which boosts brand loyalty.

Enhanced Response Rate

They are more responsive than humans as they can be functional 24 by 7 rather than just 8 hours put in by human employees.

Make Repetitions Easy

As most customers have some basic FAQs like when the business will open, when a particular product will be launched or whether X product is available, Chatbots takes care of the task of offering the same information again and again without feeling frustrated (which a human employee might).

How Can a Chatbot Help Customers?

Pre-Purchase Query Resolution

Chatbots can help the customers find answers to some basic questions like business hours, product availability, discount details, etc.

Shopping Assistant Bots

As the name suggests these bots help customers to make a purchase decision quickly by asking simple questions like type, color, size or design of the product they would like to buy along with the budget range or delivery address details.

Explainer Bots

When you buy a new product that you have never used before like new accounting software, and you need help in deciphering it, these types of bots would serve as trainers for you and your customers/ employees by answering queries by using media like videos, images or links.

After Sales Bots

These bots do post-purchase tasks like collecting feedback, resolving return issues, registering complaints, and doing everything possible to keep the customer happy.

How Can Chatbots Help Businesses?

Apart from customer management, companies are also using bots to collect customer data, help organize meetings and other such tedious and time-consuming tasks.

Where to Buy a Chatbot?

Chatbots have gained popularity in every part of the world. Here is a list of a few companies by regions that provide excellent options.


  • 1080bots — San Francisco, USA
  • Bdost — San Francisco, USA
  • Convos — USA
  • Headliner Labs — New York, USA
  • Zebo — Palo Alto, USA


  • BinaryFog — Toronto, Canada
  • deepPiXEL Inc. — Toronto, Canada
  • Heyday — Montreal, Canada
  • Massively — Toronto, Canada

South America

  • Alan — Montevideo, Uruguay
  • ChatClub — Brazil
  • Labs357 — Rafaela, Argentina
  • Nama— Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • Atendimento com Inteligência Artificial — Brazil


  • 01tribe — Rome, Italy
  • aidevelopers.co.uk — Manchester, UK
  • The Bot Agency — Bordeaux, France
  • The Bot Platform — London, UK
  • Xbots — Greece

Australia & Asia

  • Autus — Sydney, Australia
  • Xandra — Maroochydore, Australia
  • Botpress — Dubai, UAE
  • BotsNext— Bangalore, India
  • ChatterOn — India


  • 200 Apps — Jerusalem, Israel
  • Chat Leap — Tel Aviv, Israel
  • Spartans — Tel Aviv, Israel


  • Bots بالعربي— Cairo, Egypt
  • BotsZA — Johannesburg, South Africa

Should I Build a Chatbot?

If you have the skills or resources, you can also build a custom chatbot for your business. All you need to do is to take benefit of the great services like these:

  • howdy’s botkit
  • api.ai
  • wit.ai
  • textit.in
  • BeepBoopHQ
  • Dexter
  • Chatfuel
  • converse.ai
  • IBM’s Watson

How to Make Your Employees/Customers Comfortable with Chatbots?

To make your employees/customers comfortable with chatbots, make sure that you tell them of this change in advance and clear their doubts. You can also offer free training or create tutorial videos on how to use a chatbot.

If a customer or employee is showing resistance, you can sit him or her down and talk through the issues. Remember that chatbots will garner results only when they are widely accepted, and you as a business owner need to lead this change. Once done, this change will be worth it as it will save money and still deliver a customer with an excellent experience!


How Will Artificial Intelligence Impact Digital Marketing In 2018_

How Will Artificial Intelligence Impact Digital Marketing In 2018?

Thanks to the dynamically evolving Artificial Intelligence, its impact on digital marketing has already started showing results. This is AI that has the capability of reasoning, deciding, analyzing, executing and predicting future patterns and trends. On one end, businesses want to decrease their costs and focus on a particular focussed group instead, on the other, users want data that is relevant to them. From the list of applications that it has, the technology has already had its debut in social media with targeted audience and relevant content being sent to the users. Not to mention the number of results it has already produced in the impact section to the delight of digital marketers.


Today AI has entered some major arenas with Google Home, Siri from Apple, and Alexa from Amazon. The idea is to give you an all round user experience that lets you switch off the lights in other room without getting up or searching for a good place to eat without having to touch your phone. With so many user applications it is only a matter of time that AI will support digital marketing to the delight of marketers to pursue some very important data. It’s prediction and analyses for few of the things can alone help the brand grow krapa and bounds, one can only imagine the result if AI reaches its positive potential.


Here is how AI is all set to change the game of Digital marketing in 2018.

Enhanced user experience:

AI has helped pave way for bigger innovations in the service of the customer. The customer is the king for any business. Their comfort and accessibility comes before anything else which directly implies it’s vast importance. AI has changed the game of customer service in many ways.


  • Now, what if AI could take care of your Customer service on social media while you are away? Wouldn’t that be 10 times helpful? Robot chat boxes were introduced sometime back that allowed brands to send responses in case of a prompt from customers. Today AI can use the incoming data and customise the message to make it more personal for the end user.
  • Moreover, the huge piles of data and it’s analysis that AI does in seconds can be of crucial importance in building the consumer strategy for communication as well as advertising. A customer’s behaviour patterns, buying trends and preferred products and sites was the information impossible to reach. With AI, it is possible today!
  • The next up thing is Augmented reality. Buyers would now be able to touch and feel the product before jumping into any conclusion and buying it. This is to address the anomaly of delayed customer responses which will be avoided as they would now be able to make their decisions faster than before!


Simple decisions and easier marketing:

AI has also seen huge amounts of results in making the job easier for marketers with its important feature of providing data. Unlike SEO, AI will have a compact and concise data of what exactly a customer needs. This can be explained as follows.

  • Whenever a user searches for something over the Internet, AI records the search and stores it in files related to the user. With such function, it is able to create a pattern for the user. This means, AI can now be at a better position to predict what is the product you are most likely to purchase and then will sell it to you.
  • This information is priceless for advertisers as it helps in reducing sales cycles and focussing on a targeted group of audience that has higher chance of conversion. This is the reason why AI is taken into account while strategizing today in terms of marketing.
  • This can later on lead to make SEO and Banner ads next to obsolete as it completes all the work by itself. Also, why would someone focus of something else when AI gives you what you need all at once.


Image recognition:

Image recognition is further possible to give the highest possible ROI for a brand. Today it is possible to identify a person of a product through image search which was not possible even 2 years ago. Amazon’s latest, Rekognition is meant for identifying people and the emotions to make a judgement of how they’re feeling or what they’re thinking.

  • The possibilities of using such a technology are endless. The banking and finance sectors can largely benefit from this by increasing payment speeds with customer identity therefore increasing the security.
  • The applications in social media are endless too. Social media is a very big source of images. Numbers state that a tweet with visual content is retweeted 150 more times than just textual tweets. A facebook post with visual content is 2.3 times more likely to be engaged with. On an average, from the total population in the world 3.25 billion photos are shared each day!
  • The results of image search, the data itself can benefit brands in a huge way. Businesses can use these images to take note of the behavioural pattern and the factors that increase the probability of purchase of a product. Such demographics are essential in making a good business plan.


The gap between marketers and consumers is bridged with every search and click on social media. As more and more people join the Internet, so will the accessibility of brands to their customers. Effective, fast decision making, analyses, data collection and prediction is what makes AI an important choice. 2018 will see some impactful stories of brands that shot up with the help of AI to make the best of the information they have.


About the author:

Win Infosoft is a digital marketing company that provides quality services in PPC, SEO, SMM, Website development, App development and more. The brand stays on top of digital marketing news and releases to provide you with high quality services.

8 Tips To Make The Best Out Of Your Social Media Ads

If you are a digital marketer then there is a good chance you have tried out social media ads to market your product. But have you noticed that even after making a good target audience, content and visual, you are not getting as many responses as you should? If yes then we have with us here 8 important tips to remember to make the best of your social media ads!

  1. Have Authenticity:
    Whatever you do, one of the most important things is to be authentic. People and especially consumers are more likely to pay attention to your ads if they are relevant. Consumers like to be connected and entertained at the same time, ensure that your ad has a value that can add to their social media experience.
  2. Be Useful:
    Ads should not be placed everywhere. In case a person is looking at a video of a friend cooking a delicious meal, an ad on accessories for a dress could be a turn-off. While at the same time an ad of the pan that the friend is cooking can be more helpful in converting.
  3. Have Context:
    Keep the context in mind when reaching out to a customer. In the big web of the network that a consumer has created for themselves, they look at different branches and nodes for different requirements. Their need for entertainment and knowledge could be fulfilled from different branches. Make sure to target audience in a network where they are more willing to listen to marketing content.
  4. Have Credibility:
    People share content that they find useful or engaging and they do this from brands that are credible. Studies have shown that origin of a content holds lesser importance for an individual than the brand it comes from. They associate the brand with credibility and therefore do not think twice before sharing. Make yourself credible.
  5. Be Accessible:
    Accessibility of social media users to you can help you build the brand at a faster pace. You need to have a network of reliable users who will share your content. For this, ensure to be as spontaneous as possible with your replies to customer and user queries on the social media. You can probably use an instant messenger too to do the work for you.
  6. Persistence is the Key:
    Be persistent in whatever you do. Pay attention to user feedback and keep on working to make your brand better and acceptable for the consumers. A continuous stream of engaging content will keep your users tuned in for more.
  7. Keep Testing:
    Keep testing the effectiveness of your Ad campaign. Just posting one does not mean the work is over. Instead, focus on the areas where the ad can improve so that your plans can change on time and get better results. This method of continual improvement through the operations can save a lot of time.
  8. Be a Good Listener:
    The one thing you should do is listen to your users. Know what exactly they want and need and make ad campaigns based on that. Before investing money in the campaigns, it might be a good idea to listen to their feedback which can be overcome by some ticks here and there.
Top 10 Coding Platforms For 2018 - WIN INFOSOFT

Top 10 Coding Platforms For 2018 – WIN INFOSOFT

There are over a hundred programming languages in the world. Some of these are old while most of them are new. Needless to say, every programming language has its own pros and cons and so to get the best result, it is important to understand what is the need for the project. The best programming languages are based completely on the demand in the market. Learning programming languages is important for various reasons.

  • You can use computers as you wish, considering you know ways around them.
  • Your skills are high in demand once you are an expert.
  • You can invest your time in robotics which has a large scope today.
  • You can be the one to constantly keep changing the pace and improving the technology.

Doing so gives you an edge over every other personnel on the team. We have here listed down good 10 coding platforms to learn for 2018. Depending on their abilities and success, we have here a good mix of old as well as new coding languages.

  1. Python (New):
    It is used for testing microchips and is a comparatively easier program to learn than Java and C++. It takes only a few programming lines to execute a task using this language than the others.
  2. C#: It is the evolved form of C and C++ and has been created by Microsoft especially to work with the .NET platform. Some features included are static classes, Lamda expression, partial methods, query expressions etc.
  3. Java:
    It is a fairly old language but is still well used all around the world. Its projects are server based or games and reliable applications.
  4. R (Computing graphics language):
    R is basically an open source computing language and is used for statistical computing. It is used especially for graphics and like a normal library, has multiple libraries that store graphics data. Because of this, it is easier to make different algorithms.
  5. Swift:
    This language has a way to deal with different security systems and executions. It is a universally used language and its one major task is to make the best accessible language. It is expected to be a C- based language.
  6. C++: It is one of the most famous coding languages. It depends on the syntax of C and is a general-purpose language. You can practically use it for any kind of coding and project. The similarities between this and C are various. Its memory is managed through static, thread, automatic and dynamic storages.
  7. Arduino:
    One of the best languages for network devices. It is based on C and C++ and has multiple libraries which are written in C or C++. It is open sourced and is concerned majorly with hardware implementations.
  8. PHP:
    It is a general language for server-side applications and general web applications. Almost all the work of web development is based on PHP and HTML. The database of this language is much stronger than any other language and has lesser security issues.
  9. Ruby:
    A fairly new language in terms of application, this language is a mix of object-oriented, dynamic and reflective programming language. It supports multiple programming paradigms and will be widely used in 2018.
  10. Go (Latest):
    Go is one of the viral and fairly new programming languages which is freely available. It is statistically typed, scalable to bigger systems, easily readable, does not require IDE and supports networking and multiprocessing.

It is important to start with a language that will help your career the most. Learn languages that will support your upcoming projects and are in sync. Keep the ones you already have learned as new versions of the languages are released every day.

Win Infosoft is a Digital Marketing agency that holds expertise in SEO services, PPC, Social media marketing, Web development and applications for every operating system.

Track Your Local SEO and SEM

Track Your Local SEO and SEM

One of the most difficult things on the internet today is to track the results of your SEO efforts. Usually, people enable analytics code and leave it just as it is. But this gives a superficial data of an interaction between consumers and your website. The important part is that we need to know how many of the website visits were converted, which medium were they directed from. This can be a very tricky but not impossible. It can also be done faster without having to log into multiple accounts and then bring it together. Here are some simple pointers and tools to track your local SEO and SEM.

  1. Google Analytics:
    Google is potentially the most powerful tool for every website when you want to track your results. Sure other tools are available too but this one is free and is virtually present everywhere. Learning Google analytics in and out is where the trick lies, it is not just 3 graphs and lines indicating what is what. Learn the tool and make the best of it.
  2. Google search console:
    This is one tool that is easily overlooked but doing so can land you in problems. You can miss out on XML sitemaps, robot.txt verification, crawler reports etc. You will also miss some very important keyword click data. This tool can be used to detect penalties coming your way and other issues if they ever come up.
  3. Google Adwords:
    Adwords is why you need tracking in the first place because without it you won’t know where your next click comes from and just spend money. Analytics from the AdWords data can be very efficiently used to seeing whether your campaign needs changes or not.
  4. Google Tag Manager:
    An excellent tool to put the code in snippets for your site and do it all at once. It basically holds the list of snippets entered from you. It manages each one such that you don’t have to go back to each one of it to edit.
  5. UTM tracking URLs:
    This so that you know where your visitor comes from exactly. It tracks the UTM on the URL to get information on which medium the visitor was directed from. For it is also possible they came looking for a business card.
  6. Google My business:
    Another very important and helpful tool in giving you essential data on how tracking and results in work. It draws bridges between certain information to give you the best insights so that you make an informed decision.

Win Infosoft is a digital marketing agency that holds expertise in SEO, PPC, SMM, Web and Application development.


Wininfosoft SEO

7 Easy Ways To Show SEO and Search Results

Today Google has upped the game of SEO for everyone competing. No matter how much you try, your links do not seem to show the results. First of all, SEO is one thing that takes a fair amount of time. It definitely does not show results in a day or two. Continuous efforts for months and maybe a year leads to tangible results in SEO. Moreover, staying on top of your game is very important as Google usually changes its SEO algorithm once in 6 months which is not enough time for one to show results. Here are 7 easy ways to pump up your game.

  1. Structured data:
    Schema markups and structured data are no longer optional. It is very crucial for search engines and hence should be given due importance. Google, with the help of this structured data, understands the relation between what your website has to offer and what the person searching needs. This effectively effects your ranking too.
  2. Work with machines:
    Idea is to use automation to do all the tedious tasks for you. Automated SQRs, bit adjustments, data analysis etc are some example of what you can leave to the machines. This gives to time from repetitive tasks and focuses on other aspects where your work is needed and will be of more value.
  3. Integration of channels:
    Generate a strategy that includes all the channels and allows each one to work in collaboration. Focus on individual departments is not effective at all. Work as a team to come up with strategies that are beneficial for you and your client.
  4. No AI, Voice search for now:
    Focus your energy on voice search as it is here to stay. Artificial intelligence will take time for optimum results but voice search is trending now. It can help you come up with answers to how it works, how consumers use it, how can you use it to make optimum. This can also be a connection between the consumers and your brand if you are able to provide information of value.
  5. Location is important:
    Things might be working now, but location still matters a lot. It does not mean you cannot do anything about proximity and its effects. Reviews, categorizing, citing, proper snippets, evaluation of competition and more can help you get rid of the disadvantage.
  6. Influencers are here:
    More people listen to influencers than their own friends. They are connected to the influencer rather than the brand itself. And reviews have a massive impact on Google and facebook business.
  7. Rank 1:
    Google, in order to give the best possible answer, uses different sources to give pointer results to its customers. It means to be no. 1, you will have to play according to the rules and give as much structured data as possible.

Win Infosoft is a digital marketing agency that holds expertise in SEO, PPC, SMM, Web and Application development.

career-in-Digital Marketing

Career in the Digital Marketing Industry

Are you someone looking for a bright future and career in digital marketing? Then you are reading the right post. Rightly so, digital marketing has now become the backbone of sales, marketing, revenue and profit generation operations of almost every company. Every business that starts out, puts equal money in the field as they do in their set up. After all, the industry has seen boom ever since Emails were accessible to everyone. The Internet has been termed a necessity in many countries and with it, indirectly so has the use of emails, social media, and online tools. Taking advantage of the attention online presence of an individual is directed towards, the company comes up with ways to shift it towards them If you are someone who feels you can make it in the industry, check off these 5 crucial skills that one should have to make it top notch.

  1. Writing skill:
    Does not mean creative writer. Someone who must be able to customize a blog post, article, newsletter based on the SEO directives which is a huge task. Text for social media and other platforms too is a must.
  2. A knack for numbers:
    The field is all about analyzing your work, day after day and month after month. One should know how to read the numbers and interpret the course of action required to change them. This means countless spreadsheets percentages, Analytic tools and more.
  3. Communication skills:
    Is an obvious and important skill. Has to be a digital marketer for communications and correct interpretation of the requirements. Also, has to be able to express very effectively so that it is clear as day to the reader what you are selling.
  4. Creativity:
    Once you get here, you will have to find 200 different ways to sell the same product in a unique and different manner. It gets very monotonous for many which is why one should have the determination and hard work to do more. Digital marketing is about not stopping at the goal you achieved but doing more!
  5. Time manager:
    You will face many distractions that you won’t anticipate. Emails, notifications, deadlines, tasks and so much more. You have to manage a client, their marketing plans, scheduled posts, and tasks. Now imagine this for 3 to 4 clients at a time. You’d be a superhero if you do more than that.

Digital marketing arena is fast paced and challenging. If you are someone who loves the adrenaline rush and a fast-paced life, the industry is for you. Wininfosoft is a digital marketing agency that deals with website development, designing, app development, SEO, PPC and social media services.


What Should Be Your Social Media Marketing Goal?

What Should Be Your Social Media Marketing Goal?

If you are not considering the ROI coming from social media marketing, then maybe you should. Social interaction with customers is not usually seen as something tangible and in many companies, does not really help in conversion and sales. But developing such strategy with your digital marketing agency can definitely provide you with results that are in the direction of your business goals. The objective of your strategy can differ based on the need of the company. And whatever the objective, it will always move towards increasing the chances of your business to boom.

Many companies have different SMM goals but some of the major of them are listed down here:

  1. Brand Awareness:
    Based on a recent report, in the study of 522 companies, almost every 3 out of 4 companies had their short-term SMM goals to increase brand awareness. It is a very good channel for doing so as engaging content, videos, pictures, and interaction have been very crucial in building a brand name. Hence, if you think your business needs a little more exposure, the strategies your agency makes can all point towards this.
  2. Lead Generation:
    For other companies, getting data and lead generation is the second highest SMM goal as per the report. The data is very useful for marketing and conversions which are why experts rack their brains to think about ways in which potential customers might give up their contact information.
  3. Customer Loyalty:
    This is majorly for companies who already have a brand name. But as the saying goes, out of sight out of mind, Social media is the virtual reality where everyone visits every once in a day. And what better sight to see than your favorite brand engaging you with creative content. Social media goals directed towards customer loyalty is one of the best goals a company can make for themselves for retention of customers.
  4. Sales:
    Although social media was not seen as a potential market for sales after Facebook and Instagram started Ads, the market has risen by leaps and bounds. Companies have seen a lot of conversions especially in e-commerce which is why if your needs include conversion, SMM strategy for it can be considered.
  5. Customer Service:
    Though only 17% of the 522 companies in the report mentioned above had customer service as a goal, social media is a good platform. Today companies are more accessible on Facebook and Twitter than they were with their email IDs and contact numbers. Which is a good and easier way of keeping in touch with your customers.

One only has to decide which SMM goal suits them the best for time being of course. As time passes, the goals might change with an increase in brand awareness comes the need for customer loyalty and service. Wininfosoft offers SMM services in the digital marketing arena and has one of the finest experts in developing social media goals with you for your company.

An amusing week – Digital marketing trends in the past week

An Amusing Week – Digital Marketing Trends In The Past Week

Every year, digital marketing trends are revised and compiled after 12 months of trending. This time, however, the past week in itself has seen changes in digital marketing statistics such that it is now changing the field and requires a serious change in our digital marketing plans. Here are some of the most surprising statistics in digital marketing that we saw past week.

  1. More than 50% of the British use Ad Blockers:
    From a survey of 2000 adults in the UK by Affilinet, more than half of the internet users use ad blocker while browsing. Also noted here was more men use it than women. Some of the reasons cited were that the ads were annoying, intrusive and irrelevant.
  2. 39% of teenage YouTube users say it has too many ads:
    This is a survey in the US where there are more YouTube users than Facebook. And only 11% of the teens thought that there are too many ads in Snapchat and Instagram. The age reference here taken was between 10 – 17 years old.
  3. Around 3.4 billion pounds is abandoned in the shopping basket.
    This was found from a survey by Barclays. It noted that because of jumping from mobile to desktop for making a purchase, British adults left around 3.5 billion pounds’ worth of items in their online shopping carts. This was because many felt there weren’t many delivery options and a good number thought the discount would be a good incentive.
  4. Mobile payments are on the rise.
    This survey focused on the number of internet users making online payments. It found that in the US 6% of the people made online payments in 2014 which tripled this year to 17%. A similar trend was seen in Spain, Italy, UK, and Sweden.
  5. Rise in Netflix users:
    Over 37% of internet users use Netflix and the company runs Majority of the market in comparison with Amazon prime. The only market where they run head to head is in Asia Pacific with almost the same number of users for both.
  6. 60% of digital publishers auto play their ads:
    Auto play is frowned upon by customers every time and is considered intrusive. However, this doesn’t stop many digital publishers to auto play their ads.
  7. Consumers are most annoyed by disruptive ads:
    A survey by Inskin Media has found that 28% of the respondents are annoyed by pop up ads, 26% are bothered by ads that are placed in the middle of the screen and at least 18% responded they don’t like ads that delay page loading.
  8. Brand activation revenues to reach $357bn in 2017:
    Revenues in content marketing, influencer marketing, and experiential marketing jumped up in 2016 which led to revenues from brand activation. It is therefore predicted that the brand activation revenues in 2017 would be $357bn.

Wininfosoft is a digital marketing agency that provides you with services in SEO, SMM, PPC , Website and app development along with keeping you updated with the latest news in the field.

Top6 Programming Languages

Mobile App Development – Top 6 Programming Languages

Today mobile apps have become somewhat a must for business and its productivity. It is implied then that the mobile app development industry has grown by leaps and bounds in the past few years. If you run a successful business, you might have hired professionals to do so. In case of startups, developing an app is the first step to make the business visible to the customers. Which is why if you are now planning to start off, choosing the most appropriate programming language is important. Here is a list of top 6 app programming languages that you can choose from.

  1. HTML5
    By far the easiest language for programming, this language has many advantages. Data types are simple to insert, it keeps in account the different screen sizes levels the playing field of browsers. However, it is still just a proposed standard. It is cost effective and is able to develop from a previous HTML version and so can be helpful for companies already having their own apps.
  2. Objective C-
    This is the programing language being used currently by apple for all its iOS. Every Mac and iPhone is equipped with that iOS. The language has led to good graphics, input and output features and display. However, the company is now planning to start programming in another language Swift.
  3. Swift
    This language is now becoming a part of the framework in Apple products. Developers are now shifting towards it as it works with Objective C- very well but eliminate all security vulnerabilities that come with Objective C-. It is the latest language and app developers should start using the programming language for more companies want to shift towards a better version of their apps.
  4. C++
    The language worked very well even before the smartphone and still provides a very robust structure for the apps. It is still used for various Windows and Android based applications. It allows apps to run on every possible platform and therefore is probably preferred over every other language.
  5. C#
    The language is used majorly for developing Windows phone apps. The phone initially released by Nokia did not appeal to many users but it works for the programmers in Microsoft (Microsoft bought Nokia a while back) now like Objective C- works for Apple.
  6. Java:
    Is still one of the most preferred languages which are owned by Oracle. It is best for Androids and is run in two different ways, in the browser or a virtual machine which works without a browser.

It is, therefore, a decision to be left of the company whether they want apps on every operating system or a selected few. WinInfoSoft is a digital marketing agency that works with clients for customized app development frameworks. Contact us for more details.